Friday 18 November 2016

Main Task- Town Photos

During the weekend, two members of my media studies class and myself went into town to take photos for our music magazines. We went around town to a variety of different locations for the pictures. We wore clothes that would feel appropriate for any of our magazines. All the pictures shown here are shown as they were originally taken. No edits.

Firstly, we took some photos of each one of us in front of a brick wall. These were taken so we could use are faces if we needed an introduction on our magazines.

This is a picture we took by the dock where the person in the picture is staring out at the sea. It is shot from an angle where we focus on him and not what he's seeing.

This is a picture taken at the docks where the two are staring out at sea with their backs faced toward the camera. We are able to see what they are. 

Here, he is staring at the ship. The camera allows us to see a part of his face along with what he is staring at. The lighting on his face creates a nice atmosphere.

This is a picture is similar to one above.

These next few pictures have us sitting on a bench staring out at the river. Our backs are turned so our faces are not seen so that means our body language communicates us to the audience. These pictures generally don't have much to them but they were taken just because the three of us felt they looked unique and interesting.

This was taken because I found the position and atmosphere at the time good enough to take a unique picture.

The final images are ones we took in front of a building that had pictures of town on it. We all took turns being behind the camera and tried out a variety of poses for the magazines we were doing. For my magazine, I decided to use the first and last ones in the images below. The reason why we took multiple pictures in front of this background was because the pictures on the wall gave a good look for the pictures once taken and is more visually interesting then just a blank background.


  1. A great series of photos David. Well done, some stunning location shots. Very moody head & body shots in keeping with your genre. Now write up and analyse each one, discuss lighting, location, props, costumes, clothes etc.
    Mrs McD-H

  2. Good work on analysis.
    The shots with the images in the background are very effective and the ones on the steps.
    Can you please discuss further why you shot these and what your intentions are for your magazine - genre, look, feel etc.
    Mrs McD-H
