Tuesday 15 November 2016


In this task, I had to create a questionnaire about music magazines. The first thing I did was find three different covers from different genres of music. I used this as a basis so the person taking the questionnaire knew what the questions were talking about.

Below are the two pages of my questionnaire. When creating the questions I tried to have ones that would allow for greater variety in the answers which resulted in a lot of open questions. I used as many closed questions as possible (giving several options) so that I could later create pie charts to show results.

After I had made the questionnaire, I had ten copies printed off and gave them to my friends and family to fill in. Once they had been filled in, I had to create a few pie charts to show the differences in the answers. The problem I now faced was that the questions were pretty open-ended so I ended up creating three pie charts based on; age, which cover they liked most and what their favourite genre of music is.
This is the pie chart that shows the age range of the people who answered the questionnaire. Based on the results, the 10-15's, 16-20's and 71+'s had the highest number with all three having two people answering the questions. The reason why I went with these people was to have a large variety of people's age in the audience so that there would be less bias as 3 age groups were even in number.

This is the pie chart based on the cover preference that people gave in the questionnaire. Out of all of them, the second cover is the most liked with over half of the people who took it believing it to be the best. 

This is the pie chart that I made that represents the responses I got when the questionnaire asked what their favourite genre of music is. All the options on the left were the only answers that were received. Rock turned out to be the most popular out of them.
This is an example of a completed questionnaire.

What I found out in this completed questionnaire was what a person between the ages of 41 and 50 would like about these magazines. They apparently liked the third magazine because of its colouring which "grabs my attention".


  1. Much better David, well done. Charts are clear and good analysis of your data.
    Can you pop up some of your completed questionnaires to show as well please.
    Mrs McD-H
